I fully just realized that I also had an iced capp coming home from Ashley's. Also, the Pepsi may or may not have been Pepsi Max. Which would explain why the singing birds are annoying me so (THE SUN ISN'T OUT YET, SO SHUT UP). Help meeeeeeeee.
Feeling slightly calmer. Okay, not calmer. But I AM more secure with my part now. I'm a tad nervous about the A, which we have to sing for seven beats and then longer (fermata!), but I think I can do this. . . . 'Cept I'm screwed. EEP!
I have now informed Stephanie that I am going to kill her for not showing up with her S1ness today. And now I'm back to panicking. Extensively. Oh, look, JADE!
Forget S2. I am now singing S1 now, and I am very, very scared. I has to sing an A. I can sing it, but I am just not in the mood to sing an A. I am le tired. Well, then take a nap. THEN FIRE ZE MISSLES! Sorry. Panicking. EEP!